This is the ambassador team of Kastaplast and it is compromised by the local heroes who keep disc golf alive in their own unique way. When you are new to something a good mentor is the number one factor to remain inspired and conquer the learning curve, and that is what the Mints is all about.
A positive force that can guide, lead, and show you what it is all about in the wonderful world of disc golf.
- Simon Kappling [SE]
- Thobias Josefsson [SE]
- Ted Syhlén [SE]
- Noel Johansson [SE]
- William Wannberg [SE]
- Martin Brännström [SE]
- Klas Löwbeer [SE]
- Chriztopher Barrling [SE]
- Per Stokki [SE]
- Mats Huldt [SE]
- Ida Kennmark [SE]
- Emil Isaksson [SE]
- Erik Engstrand [SE]
- Jim Gustafson [SE]
- Fanny Hådding [SE]
- Johannes Fidemo [SE]
- Robert Stasinski [SE]
- Fredrik Herlitz [SE]
- Anders Wallén [SE]
- Kevin Klangebo [SE]
- Ruth Schlissel [SE]
- Jörgen Söderholm [SE]
- Alexander Karanzas [SE]
- Danne Johansson [SE]
- Kymen Modig [SE]
- Anders Thorstensson [SE]
- Kimberly Helly [SE]
- Michael Jansson [SE]
- Pontus Norén Asp [SE]
- Lydie Hellgren [SE]
- - Sindre Fosse [NO]
- Emilie Slattum Martinsen [NO]
- Thorbjörn Jessen [NO]
- Thomas Pedersen [NO]
- Are markussen [NO]
- - Amalie Bøegh [DK]
- - Tommi Ruohomäki [FI]
- Sami Björkberg [FI]
- Soile Mutikainen [FI]
- Markku Tulisalo [FI]
- - Marcus Kalm [AX]
- Nathan Decroo [BE]
- - Robbert Heek [NL]
- - Łukasz Dajnowicz [PL]
- Filip Mieczykowski [PL]
- - Matt Dolan [FR]
- - Vanessa Bucciol [IT]
- - Sam DuCharme [CH]
- Dominik Osterwalder [CH]
- Connor Wellbourne-Wood [CH]
- - Jasmina Nikolić [RS]
- - Nikola Tlášek [CZ]
- Lukáš Pelikán [CZ]
- - Lorenz Schneider [DE]
- Daniela Host [DE]
- - Tom Potter [UK]
- Harry Messenger [UK]
- - Juan Carlos Rico [CO]
- Alejita Ospina Orozco [CO]
- - Shozo Mori [JP]
- - Wesley de Ridder [SG]
- - Chris Hill [AU]
- - Geoffrey McNamara [CA]
- Jack Growe [CA]
- Adam Roemer [CA]
- Joshua Kiist [CA]
- Scott LeBlanc [CA]
- Charlie Picken [CA]
- Kat Johnson [CA]
- Adam Shepperdley [CA]
- Justin Murphy [CA]
- Jack Growe [CA]
- Nathan Decroo [BE]
- Brendan Gibson [AZ, US]
- Liam Brown [CA, US]
- Thomas “Tempe” Krieger [CO, US]
- Shawn Collins [CO, US]
- John Caico [FL, US]
- Gavin Phllips [FL, US]
- Frankie Perez [IL, US]
- Don J Head [IL, US]
- Greg Schadegg [IL, US]
- Luis Bueno [IL, US]
- Brian Indiana Jones [IN, US]
- Jaxon Rinkenberger [IN, US]
- Shawn Scheffler [KS, US]
- Tate Hatfield [KY, US]
- John Kovacs [LA, US]
- Paul Smith [MD, US]
- Brian Schweinhart [MA, US]
- Lauren St Clair [MI, US]
- David Halloran [MI, US]
- William Macduff [NH, US]
- Grant Latten [NC, US]
- Jacob Stoner [NC, US]
- Cody Dietz [ND, US]
- Sage Raghib [ND, US]
- Justin Haney [OH, US]
- Kevin Dale [OH, US]
- Logan Burrow [OH, US]
- Dwight Griffis [OH, US]
- Riley Murray [OR, US]
- Ashlyn Tahlier [OR, US]
- James Mayes [PA, US]
- Xander Zaretzit [PA, US]
- Rob Weaver [PA, US]
- Cameron Weber [PA, US]
- Taylor Gardner [PA, US]
- Ian Yurcisin [PA, US]
- Steve Huddle [RI, US]
- Coley McNutt [SC, US]
- Matthew Bialkowski [SC, US]
- Matt Hampton [TN, US]
- Michael Rieli [TN, US]
- Willow Sky Brees [TX, US]
- Dylan Davis TX, [US]
- Ben Mueck [TX, US]
- Caleb del Rio [TX, US]
- Braden Sten [UT, US]
- Dylan Lloyd [UT, US]
- Casey Lee [UT, US]
- Ty Paulding [VT, US]
- Timothy Schmidt [VA, US]
- Jarnail Bajwa [VA, US]
- Christian Wolff [WA, US]
- Mitchell Croweley [WI, US]
- Jake Eckstein [WI, US]
- Benjamin Larson [WI, US]
- Dave Gruentzel [WI, US]
- Benjamin 'Rask-Man’ Wilson [WI, US]
- Josh Hamm [WI, US]

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